
Lowongan Kerja Bumn Di Pt Telkom Indonesia

Medanloker - Loker Bumn Medan - Informasi Terbaru Lowongan Kerja Medan di PT Telkom Indonesia adalah satu-satunya BUMN telekomunikasi serta penyelenggara layanan telekomunikasi dan jaringan terbesar di Indonesia. Telkom Group melayani jutaan pelanggan di seluruh Indonesia dengan rangkaian lengkap layanan telekomunikasi yang meliputi sambungan telepon kabel tidak bergerak dan telepon nirkabel tidak bergerak, komunikasi seluler, layanan jaringan dan interkoneksi serta layanan internet dan komunikasi data. Telkom Group juga menyediakan banyak sekali layanan di bidang informasi, media dan edutainment, termasuk cloud-based and server-based managed services, layanan e-Payment dan IT enabler, e-Commerce dan layanan portal lainnya.

Saat ini  PT Telkom Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja menawarkan peluang berkarir kepada tenaga-tenaga Professional untuk posisi sebagai:

1. Backend and Web Frontend Developer

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  • Possess at least Bachelor's Degree in any field.
  • Max. Age 40 years old.
  • Have 2-3 years hands-on experience in related fields.
  • Strong passion in technology, programming, & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team. Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean code, and pragmatic aspects of programming. Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Firm grasp in object-oriented, functional, or event-driven programming practices.
  • Experience in building large-scale web apps/services/APIs.
  • Experience using cloud service such as AWS, Azure, etc.
  • Knowledge of Unix/Linux environments and CLI.
  • Experienced using Docker & CI/CD deployment.
  • Knowledge and experience in NodeJS, Golang, or Python.
  • Knowledge of SQL / NoSQL.
  • Good Practice using Gitflow.
  • Good Knowledge of RESTFul API.
  • Familiarity with test driven development.

2. UX Designer & UX Researcher
  • Possess at least Bachelor's Degree in any field;
  • Have 2-3 years hands-on experience in the UX Design;
  • Max. Age 35 years old;
  • Required skill or capable of doing but not limited to:
  • Design Research;
  • Usability testing;
  • Design thinking;
  • Experience design;
  • Interface design;
  • Web & Mobile design;
  • Product design;
  • General skill :
  • Have a skill for graphic design application like : Photoshop or Illustrator or Corel Draw or Sketch
    - Familiar with UX tools application like Figma, Marvel or else
    - Familiar with collaboration tools like JIRA or Trello. 

3. Devops Engineer
Successful candidates must -
  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in any field, preferebly in Computer Science or equivalent;
  • Max. 35 years old
  • Have minimum 2 years hands-on experience in designing, developing and maintaining CI/CD process and familiar with tools like Git, Jenkins, Ansible, etc
  • Have strong background and experience in Linux / Unix Administration
  • Have minimum 2 years hands-on experience with containerization technologies such as Kubernetes and Docker Container
  • A working understanding of code and script (PHP, Python, Javascript, etc)
  • Demonstrate a keen interest in, and fair understanding of cloud and automation technology and the business trends that are driving the adoption of this technology;
  •  Possess excellent analytical and problem-solving skills;
  • Be proficient in the use of both written and spoken business English;
  • Demonstrate excellent organizational and people skills, including the ability to work independently and appropriately prioritise between competing opportunities.

4. Database Administrator
Successful candidates must
  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree in any field, preferebly have a background in Computer Science or equivalent.
  • Max. 35 years old
  • Have strong experience in Managing MongoDB/MongoDB Percona database cluster and working with replica sets, sharding.
  • Have strong experience in Managing MariaDB Galera/MySQL Percona/MySQL NDB database cluster and working with replica sets, sharding.
  • Have strong experience working with MongoDB and MariaDB/MySQL databases
  • Have strong background and experience in Linux / Unix Administration
  • Have experience in a technical database engineering role (i.e. software development, release management, deployment engineering, site operations, or technical operations)
  • Demonstrate a keen interest in, and fair understanding of cloud and automation technology on database cluster deployment and the business trends that are driving the adoption of this technology.
  • Possess excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Successful candidates will preferably
  • Have ability to use a wide variety of open source technologies and cloud services.
  • Have strong experience with SQL, MySQL,and NoSQL.

5. Deep Learning Experts
Successful candidates must
  • M.Sc. Or Phd in Machine Learning, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science or related field.
  • Have 3 years experience of architecting, pelatihan and analyzing  for at least one of the following applications: Object detection, Image segmentation, Sensor fusion, Temporal fusion (tracking)
  • Experience with Caffe, TensorFlow, MxNet, Keras, Theno or other deep learning frameworks.
  • Excellent analytical, communication, and writing skills.
  • Be proficient in the use of both written and spoken business English;
  • Experience developing software as part of a team.
  • Fluency in C++ or Python.

6. Machine Learning Scientist
Successful candidates must
  • Masters or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Machine Learning, Operational Research, Statistics or related field.
  • Have 3 years hands-on experience applying machine learning techniques to solve real-world problems.
  • Experience with a deep learning framework such as TensorFlow or Caffe.
  • Experience with a big data platform such as Hadoop and Spark.
  • Experience with scripting languages such as Python or R.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Be proficient in the use of both written and spoken business English;

7. Senior Data Scientist
Successful candidates must
  • Possess at least Bachelor's Degree in any field, preferably post-graduate level;
  • Have 5 years hands-on experience in the exploitation of data and the use of advanced statistical and modelling techniques to understand and improve business performance in at least one major industry vertical;
  • Be a clear, confident and persuasive communicator, with excellent presentation skills and with the ability to structure a coherent, logical argument and the confidence to defend assumptions, projections and recommendations;
  • Demonstrate a keen interest in, and fair understanding of, big data technology and the business trends that are driving the adoption of this technology;
  • Be proficient in the use of both written and spoken business English;
  • Possess excellent analytical and problem-solving skills;
  • Demonstrate excellent organizational and people skills, including the ability to work independently and appropriately prioritise between competing opportunities.

Bagi Anda yang berminat untuk Melamar dan memenuhi Kualifikasi yang disebutkan diatas,  Silahkan segera Daftarkan Diri Anda melalui Aplikasi Online Situs Resmi PT Telkom dibawah ini:

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